Goals Worksheet

High-performing leaders set and achieve goals
Goal setting is one of the most important activities we engage in as leaders every year. We do it for our companies, and we also make goals for ourselves.

Less than 6% of people write down and share their goals with others. High-performing leaders do it annualy as a habit.

This document should be filled out annually, and kept where it can be viewed within 10 seconds at any time. Keep a copy on your phone, tablet, etc.

You can download the Goals Worksheet here.

Worksheet Sections

This worksheet is divided into several sections. They may seem intuitive, however, these differ from the standard annual planning language used in most documents. I encourage you to read each section before filling out the document.


Our vision is where we see ourselves in 3-5 years. This statement should encompass our personal and professional lives. The statement should be optimistic and reflect our true best self. The statement should start with the phrase "In 3-5 years I will be..."


Our mission is what we do every day to help fulfill our vision. This is our daily mission, our focus each day that if accomplished and adhered to, our vision will become a reality. If your vision is to run a 8 minute mile, then your mission may be to eat healthy, live right, and run every day. 


Lenses are 3-5 tough questions that we can ask ourselves to help provide clarity on questions or issues that are significant decisions.

My 3 Things

We should all be concentrating on 3 things, and no more. They are the 3 things we do better than anyone else, that only we can do, and help us fulfill our mission, vision, and goals.

Personal Goals

These are 3-5 personal goals for the year. These should align with our Vision, Mission, Values, and 3 Things.
Always set personal goals before professional ones. Our wellbeing determines the quality of our professional self.

Professional Goals

3-5 professional goals that move the needle on your mission, vision, and align with your values and 3 things.

Most Important Goal

This is the one personal or professional goal that MUST be accomplished this year. Typically, this is the goal that if accomplished, helps all the other goals fall into place.

Core Values

3-5 Core Values that help us focus on the right decisions, right lenses, and right goals. We live our lives by this value system.

You can download the Goals Worksheet here.

Let's Talk

High-performing teams follow high-performing leaders.

You must be willing to embrace vulnerability, focus on your growth, and be held accountable.

If you are ready to have someone ask you the hard questions no one else will, reach out. I'm ready to talk.
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